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This class is not just for calligraphers -

crafters will love it, too!

So you’re a lettering person and you love the paper to pen thing - just like me - and you’ve been practicing and making some cards and doing some words and you’re looking for the next fun thing to do with your lettering.

In this class we’re going to take a line of your lettering and turn it into a complete full circle so it fits perfectly. When finished you can turn this into a card, create a frame for a photo, use it in a wedding invitation or announcement, or even have a rubberstamp made from your finished artwork.

You don’t have to be an expert calligrapher and you can use any tool that you’re comfortable with. It works in all styles.

You'll learn how to go from a straight line of lettering into a perfect circle!

I'll take you around the pitfalls and and show you sweet variations that will springboard your creativity!


I'll show you a variety of simple circular designs made with a variety of styles and tools.


You can use any lettering tool you wish for this project! You will need a "pen" (or pencil or brush or something to write with), a ruler with millimeters, a pencil to make some marks with and a compass.

Oh, and paper. You're going to need some paper!

The Math


You'll be fine! I'll go through the simple calculations you'll need. And you can stop the video anytime and "rewind".

And remember, you have LIFETIME ACCESS to this class!

Curriculum - lifetime access!

  Welcome to Lettering in a Circle
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Choosing Your Quote and Practicing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Calculating and Drawing the Circle
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lettering Your Project and Variations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Final words
Available in days
days after you enroll

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